Eva Bromée

Jegeren, hundetreneren og villmarksguiden Eva Bromée er mer ute enn inne. Vår, sommer, høst og vinter bor hun i og lever av naturen. Hun er personifisert av naturen.

"Drar og plukker sopp en times tid oppe på Kylträsk. Har ingen dekning der, men jeg kan tekste deg når jeg er nede igjen:D". To timer senere vises en annen tekstmelding på skjermen: "Ringer deg i morgen! Det ble regn og hagl. Og nå kommer det middagsgjester:D".

Sannsynligvis ville møtet vårt gått bedre hvis jeg hadde hoppet i en polstret firhjuling og gasset opp til Vindelfjället etter henne. Til slutt setter vi oss ned og kan snakke. Kantarelljakten gikk bra og middagsgjestene ble veldig fornøyde.

Eva har sine røtter i Jämtlandsbyen Klövsjö, "verdens beste landsby". Nå for tiden bor hun i Ammarnäs, der den vakre Vindelälven lager en skarp vending. Her kombinerer Eva et liv som selvstendig næringsdrivende jeger, villmarksguide, og jobber med å produsere sin egen jaktfilm.

På egenhånd har hun filmet jakten i tre sesonger og filmen skal etter planen være ferdig i 2019.

- Men det viktigste er at den skal bli bra, jeg er ekstremt forsiktig med filmen min, den har blitt mitt lille barn.

Høst og vinter er intens for Eva. Ryper bør spores, elg jaktes og hunder trenes. Eva har pointere for fuglejakt og bruker jakthunder under elgjakt. Med den sjokoladebrune kelpien "Illo" er det mulig å gjennomføre en litt annerledes og spennende jakt.

- Kelpien går i bånd. Når vi jakter sammen, sniker vi oss sammen på byttet. Da må det selvfølgelig være veldig stille. Det er spesielt.

Det er vanskelig å ikke bli sjalu på Eva. Når hun snakker om sine kommende eventyr, vil jeg bli med henne ut med en gang. Eva beveger seg ofte gjennom den vakre, urørte Vindelfjellet under jakten, som vanligvis varer noen dager uten at de er i nærheten av sivilasjonen. Likevel prøver Eva å holde oppakningen nede.

- På en tre dagers langtur rekker en ryggsekk på 34 liter langt. Der får du plass til maten og utstyret du trenger, sier Eva, som velger enkle og funksjonelle levestandarder på fjellet. En enkel fjellhytte som baseleir er god nok.

For Eva handler ikke jakt om skyting for skytingens skyld. Jada, jakten gir henne også et adrenalinkick. Når Eva beskriver hvordan hun lever i naturen på samme tid, er det så langt fra troféjakt du kan komme.

- Jeg har egentlig ikke noe ønske om å drepe dyr. Noen ganger må jeg jakte, men da skyter jeg aldri mer enn jeg trenger. Hvis vi har full fryser ville jeg aldri dratt på jakt, sier Eva som tvert imot ofte like gjerne kan la riflen hvile.

- Noen ganger tenker jeg på et sitat, der en gammel, gammel tante skal slakte en geit som har vært i nærheten av henne: "Du har gitt meg varme, du har gitt meg kjærlighet og nå vil du også gi meg kjøtt". Jeg kjenner meg veldig igjen, dødsøyeblikket vil alltid være vondt.

Noen ganger ser hun bare på dyrene, bare for å lære ting om dem. Leksjoner hun trenger i sin rolle som ansvarlig jeger. Som den forestående rypejakten.

- Hvis været er dårlig når rypene ruger blir det ofte et dårlig rypeår. Sist sommer haglet det mye når rypene la egg. Etter uværet var jeg ute og lette etter rypekyllinger for å se hvor mange som var klekket ut. Det var rart å se hvor mange som hadde blitt klekt ut, pga. det dårlige været.

Når Eva først er i fjellet, bruker hun naturens ressurser, velprøvde metoder for å bevare, lagre og tilberede mat. Kjøtt og fisk blir saltet og tørket. En kald kilde blir et naturlig kjøleskap. Kjøttet som jakten gir blir alltid tatt vare på på beste måte.

Å bo på fjellet året rundt har gjort Eva til en intensiv bruker av friluftsutstyr. Støvler, bukser, undertøy, mellomlag, skall og dekkejakker. Det er ikke mange plagg Eva ikke har meninger og synspunkter om. Sunt og innsiktsfullt i tillegg. Når det gjelder støvler, gjelder de med høyere sjakter. Fordelene er flere, ifølge Eva.

- Jeg synes det er veldig fint med høye støvler. De gir så god støtte. Jeg strammer vanligvis støvlene ekstra hardt, omtrent som når du skal ut på isen i hockey, sier hun og berømmer vanntettheten til cellulære gummistøvler.

- Mine høye Syncro-støvler er flotte å vasse i vannet med. Det er også perfekt at jeg kan knytte støvlene sammen med buksene slik at de blir enda bedre beskyttet, sier Eva, som også setter pris på fordelene som Lundhags klassiske skinnsko har.

- De tørker veldig raskt sammenlignet med membranmonterte støvler. Selv om støvlene mine er gjennomvåte om kvelden, er de tørre dagen etter. Bare fjern sålene og legg alt ved siden av komfyren. Men ikke for nær, la jeg merke til. Blir de for varme, kan de krympe seg litt, haha.

Når vinteren er ekstra kald, som det ofte er der Eva bor, har hun et godt tips til alle som fremdeles fryser, selv om støvlene er av varmere slag. Frysing er, som alltid, veldig individuell.

- Noen ganger kan det være minus 30 grader når jeg er ute. Da har jeg hjemmelagde innlegg i støvlene og gode sokker. 

Friluftsliv slutter ikke om vinteren for Eva. Det skjer bare i en annen form. Blant annet prøver hun å fiske. Eva er raus med tips om noen av Sør-Lapplands beste fiskevann om vinteren.

- Gavasjaure og Tjålmejaure er flotte innsjøer. Om sommeren er Kylån kanon, hvor det er mye ørret og ørret, sier Eva, men det absolutt fineste fisketips er på den andre siden av riksgrensen.

- I Virevattnet i Norge finnes den største ørreten.

Fritid og ferier, hvor foretrekker hun å dra? Det er litt komplisert, forklarer hun.

- Fritid kan være når jeg får jage meg selv en stund, sier hun og forklarer: Hvis hun bare hadde tid, ville hun gjerne dra til utlandet og avslører drømmeturen sin.

- Jeg vil ikke si nei til en tur til Grønland eller Alaska, for et dyreliv!

Nature personified

Eva Bromée, the hunter, the dog trainer, and the wilderness guide, is more outside than in. Spring, summer, autumn and winter - she lives in and off the nature.

"Goes and picks mushrooms for an hour up at Kylträsk. Has no coverage there but I can text when I'm down again: D". It's been two hours since another text message appeared on the screen. "Calling you tomorrow! It was drizzle and hail. And now diners are coming: D". Our meeting would probably have gone more smoothly if I had jumped into a rough-shod quad bike and accelerated up to the heights of Vindelfjällen after her. In the end, we still sit down and can talk. The chanterelle hunt went well and the dinner guests were full and satisfied.

Eva has her roots in the Jämtland village of Klövsjö, "the world's best village". Nowadays she starts from Ammarnäs where the beautiful Vindelälven makes a narrow curve.

Autumn and winter are intense for Eva. Moose are hunted and dogs are trained. Eva has pointers for bird hunting and uses greyhounds for stray dog ​​hunting. With the chocolate brown kelpie "Illu" it is possible to carry out a slightly different and exciting hunt.

- Kelpien goes in a band. When we hunt together, we sneak together on the prey. Then it is of course important to be very quiet. It's special.

It is not difficult to become jealous of Eva as the adventurous zero. When she tells me about her upcoming adventures, I want to follow her out right away. Eva often moves through the beautiful, untouched Vindelfjällen, during the hunt, which usually lasts a couple of days without the group returning to civilization. Still, Eva tries to keep the pack down.

- On a three-day trip, a backpack of 34 liters is enough. There you get all the food and equipment you need, says Eva who chooses a simple and functional living standard in the mountains. A simple mountain hut as a base camp is good enough.

For Eva, the hunt is not about shooting for the sake of shooting. Of course, the hunt also gives her an adrenaline rush. At the same time, when Eva describes how she lives in nature, it is as far from trophy hunting as you can get.

- I really have no desire to kill animals. Sometimes I have to hunt but then I never shoot more than I need to. If we have a full freezer box, I would never go out, says Eva, who on the contrary can just as easily let the rifle rest.

- Sometimes I think of a movie quote where an old, old aunt is going to slaughter a goat that has been close to her; "You have given me warmth, you have given me love and now you will also give me flesh". I recognize myself very well, the moment of death will always be difficult. Sometimes she just watches the animals, to simply learn things about them. Lessons she needs in her role as a responsible hunter. Like the impending grouse hunt.

- If the weather is bad when the grouse incubate, it will often be a bad grouse year. In the early summer, there was a lot of hail when the grouse lay on eggs. After the storm, I was out looking for broilers to see how many had hatched. Then I thought about how they had done so well.

- To just sit and look at some moose, how they are towards each other, I think is nice.

Once Eva is in the mountains, she uses nature's resources and ancient, well-proven methods for preserving, storing and preparing food. Meat and fish are salted and dried. A cold source becomes a natural refrigerator. The meat that the hunt donates is always taken care of in the best way. Living in the mountains all year round has made Eva an intensive user of equipment for outdoor life. Boots, trousers, undergarments, intermediate layers, shell and quilted jackets. There are not many garments that Eva does not have opinions and views on. Healthy and insightful as well. When it comes to boots, it is the ones with the higher shafts that apply. The benefits are several, according to Eva.

- I think it is very nice with high boots. They provide such good support. I usually tighten my boots extra hard and take bars, much like when you go out on the ice in hockey, she says and praises the cellular rubber boots' waterproofness.

- My high Syncro boots are great to wade with. It is also perfect that I can fasten the boots with the trousers so that you protect yourself even better, says Eva who also appreciates the advantages that Lundhag's classic leather boots have.

- They dry very quickly compared to membrane-equipped boots. Even though my boots are soaked in the evening, they are dry the next day. Just take out the soles and place everything next to the stove. But not too close, I have noticed. If they get too hot, they can shrink a little, haha. When the winter is extra cold, as it often is where Eva lives, she has a good tip for those who are still freezing even though the boots are of the warmer kind. Freezing is, as always, highly individual.

- Sometimes it can be minus 30 degrees when I'm out. Then I have shoe hay and home-made inserts in the boots.

The outdoor life does not end in the winter for Eva. It just happens in a different guise. Among other things, she tries to catch up with fishing. Eva is generous with tips on some of southern Lapland's best fishing waters in winter.

- Gavasjaure and Tjålmejaure are great lakes. In the summer, Kylån is great, where there are lots of char and trout, says Eva, whose absolute finest fishing tips are on the other side of the national border.

- In Virevattnet in Norway, the largest chars go.

Free time and holidays, does she have time for that and where does she prefer to go then? It's a bit complicated, she explains. The leave is like being baked into the job, which is also life, and it never really stops.

- Leisure can be when I get to hunt for a while myself, she says and explains: If she only had time, she would like to go abroad and reveal her dream trip.

- I would not say no to a trip to Greenland or Alaska, for the sake of wildlife!

"Goes and picks mushrooms for an hour up at Kylträsk. Has no coverage there but I can text when I'm down again: D". It's been two hours since another text message appeared on the screen. "Calling you tomorrow! It was drizzle and hail. And now diners are coming: D". Our meeting would probably have gone more smoothly if I had jumped into a rough-shod quad bike and accelerated up to the heights of Vindelfjällen after her. In the end, we still sit down and can talk. The chanterelle hunt went well and the dinner guests were full and satisfied.

Eva has her roots in the Jämtland village of Klövsjö, "the world's best village". Nowadays she starts from Ammarnäs where the beautiful Vindelälven makes a narrow curve.

Autumn and winter are intense for Eva. Moose are hunted and dogs are trained. Eva has pointers for bird hunting and uses greyhounds for stray dog ​​hunting. With the chocolate brown kelpie "Illu" it is possible to carry out a slightly different and exciting hunt.

- Kelpien goes in a band. When we hunt together, we sneak together on the prey. Then it is of course important to be very quiet. It's special.

It is not difficult to become jealous of Eva as the adventurous zero. When she tells me about her upcoming adventures, I want to follow her out right away. Eva often moves through the beautiful, untouched Vindelfjällen, during the hunt, which usually lasts a couple of days without the group returning to civilization. Still, Eva tries to keep the pack down.

- On a three-day trip, a backpack of 34 liters is enough. There you get all the food and equipment you need, says Eva who chooses a simple and functional living standard in the mountains. A simple mountain hut as a base camp is good enough.

For Eva, the hunt is not about shooting for the sake of shooting. Of course, the hunt also gives her an adrenaline rush. At the same time, when Eva describes how she lives in nature, it is as far from trophy hunting as you can get.

- I really have no desire to kill animals. Sometimes I have to hunt but then I never shoot more than I need to. If we have a full freezer box, I would never go out, says Eva, who on the contrary can just as easily let the rifle rest.

- Sometimes I think of a movie quote where an old, old aunt is going to slaughter a goat that has been close to her; "You have given me warmth, you have given me love and now you will also give me flesh". I recognize myself very well, the moment of death will always be difficult. Sometimes she just watches the animals, to simply learn things about them. Lessons she needs in her role as a responsible hunter. Like the impending grouse hunt.

- If the weather is bad when the grouse incubate, it will often be a bad grouse year. In the early summer, there was a lot of hail when the grouse lay on eggs. After the storm, I was out looking for broilers to see how many had hatched. Then I thought about how they had done so well.

- To just sit and look at some moose, how they are towards each other, I think is nice.

Once Eva is in the mountains, she uses nature's resources and ancient, well-proven methods for preserving, storing and preparing food. Meat and fish are salted and dried. A cold source becomes a natural refrigerator. The meat that the hunt donates is always taken care of in the best way. Living in the mountains all year round has made Eva an intensive user of equipment for outdoor life. Boots, trousers, undergarments, intermediate layers, shell and quilted jackets. There are not many garments that Eva does not have opinions and views on. Healthy and insightful as well. When it comes to boots, it is the ones with the higher shafts that apply. The benefits are several, according to Eva.

- I think it is very nice with high boots. They provide such good support. I usually tighten my boots extra hard and take bars, much like when you go out on the ice in hockey, she says and praises the cellular rubber boots' waterproofness.

- My high Syncro boots are great to wade with. It is also perfect that I can fasten the boots with the trousers so that you protect yourself even better, says Eva who also appreciates the advantages that Lundhag's classic leather boots have.

- They dry very quickly compared to membrane-equipped boots. Even though my boots are soaked in the evening, they are dry the next day. Just take out the soles and place everything next to the stove. But not too close, I have noticed. If they get too hot, they can shrink a little, haha. When the winter is extra cold, as it often is where Eva lives, she has a good tip for those who are still freezing even though the boots are of the warmer kind. Freezing is, as always, highly individual.

- Sometimes it can be minus 30 degrees when I'm out. Then I have shoe hay and home-made inserts in the boots.

The outdoor life does not end in the winter for Eva. It just happens in a different guise. Among other things, she tries to catch up with fishing. Eva is generous with tips on some of southern Lapland's best fishing waters in winter.

- Gavasjaure and Tjålmejaure are great lakes. In the summer, Kylån is great, where there are lots of char and trout, says Eva, whose absolute finest fishing tips are on the other side of the national border.

- In Virevattnet in Norway, the largest chars go.

Free time and holidays, does she have time for that and where does she prefer to go then? It's a bit complicated, she explains. The leave is like being baked into the job, which is also life, and it never really stops.

- Leisure can be when I get to hunt for a while myself, she says and explains: If she only had time, she would like to go abroad and reveal her dream trip.

- I would not say no to a trip to Greenland or Alaska, for the sake of wildlife!


Lundhags friend, hunter, wilderness guide and self-employed, Ammarnäs.
Favourite garment autumn and winter: My Syncro boots.
Most important thing to have out in the nature: Knife.
Prefer to do in winter: Hunt, go skiing and be with animals.


Lundhags friend, hunter, wilderness guide and self-employed, Ammarnäs.
Favourite garment autumn and winter: My Syncro boots.
Most important thing to have out in the nature: Knife.
Prefer to do in winter: Hunt, go skiing and be with animals.